Friday, September 30, 2005

Walking to a football game in Clemson. Posted by Picasa

Looking into the Clemson football game from the outside on a recent gameday (the stadium, death valley, seats over 80,000 people) Posted by Picasa

A frat tailgate party at a recent Clemson football game Posted by Picasa

Vehicles tailgating at a recent Clemson football game (nice satellite in Clemson colours) Posted by Picasa

Jackie visiting old railroad tunnel in mountains near Clemson. Posted by Picasa

Christie and Jonathan with Parker hiking near home in SC Posted by Picasa

Old hotel in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Nice plant in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Jonathan and Jackie hanging out at museum in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Jonathan and Jackie hanging out in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Wind sculptures at Gallery in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Wind scultpture at Art Gallery in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Scultpture at an art gallery in Ashville NC Posted by Picasa

Kerry, showing Christie the town in Athens GA  Posted by Picasa

Visiting Athens GA for annual road race Posted by Picasa

Kerry reading an inscription on a Georgia Bulldog in Athens GA (sorry kerry, I had to post this picture) Posted by Picasa

Christie with Kerry (christies classmate) on a Georgia bulldog in Athens GA Posted by Picasa

Road race in Athens GA Posted by Picasa

Christies classmate Kerry and her husband Chris taking Christie on a tour of Athens GA Posted by Picasa

Karen taking Christie and Doug on a tour of her office. Posted by Picasa

Karen at her office in Marietta Posted by Picasa

Karen taking Christies BP at her office in Marietta Posted by Picasa

Karen taking Dougs BP at her office in Marietta Posted by Picasa

Karen and Diana at Karens office in Marietta Posted by Picasa

Karen and Jeff at Karens office in Marietta Posted by Picasa